Thursday, May 05, 2005

Touch Down in Asia

We have finally arrived (though we have yet to get out of the airport). Wicked thunderstorm here to welcome us in Hong Kong last night. Very muggy and overcast. Well, let's go see what we can find......

Well guys,
Yesterday was officially the first day of the "New Beginning". The start of our long and prosperous "journey". The day all hell breaks loose and we are open targets for adventure. Only time can reveal the secrets that lay ahead.....
p.s. Wade that comment made my day lol

That was the longest freakin flight I've ever had to deal with.

We all look the way you would imagine after 37 hours in the airports and planes.
yes we did sleep/rest in the airport last night as planned.


At 12:42 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to know that you have landed!!! Mom&Dad send a big "Hello" to you all. Man you must of been really bagged out after all that travelling. Sure do miss you :(
Have a great time and try to behave
Over and out
David&Ronna (D&R)

At 8:57 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey you guys! We're very glad to hear from you and we're very glad you're all in one piece(or is that "pieces"?...) at this point! Have a great time - have great adventures - be CAREFUL! Look UP!

We can't wait to hear about all the adventures.
Love Lisa, Gord, Kyle & Cameron

At 1:02 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey I put your picture up from the dinner at Grandma's. Hope you like them.


At 1:30 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You guys didn't even say goodbye and I cried on the 4th because I missed you waaa! anywaise Im just sitting here at school typing a message to you saying how much i want to be where you are. It's kinda sad I know but whats new? MEH!
loves ya!!!! Brittany

ps. stay away from strangers and don't eat dogs or cats or anything that wiggles

At 3:50 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my my my!!!
Savannah-I really loved your very first writeup. I am sure that you will now learn to appriciate how many special things will come, and will look forward to the trip that lies ahead! be excited!

Breanna-Gosh I already miss you tonnes! I didn't write you because you didn't say goodbye to me. That's alright though I would have probably been a sobbing mess! love you most, talk to you and maybe just maybe see you soon!

Ammon-what's up another adventure hey? that's kewl. So you'll have to tell me what went down on the plane with you and breanna. Did you sleep? Anywaise wish I could be there, tootle loo!

Maggie-good luck putting up with savannah and Breanna for a L-O-N-G time!!!

Bye guys, Bre e-mail me k and tell me how everyone is.

lol, Brittany


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